4 Reasons Why Pricing Real Estate in Dollars is not Sustainable

If you have ever undertaken a property transaction in Ghana, you would discover that many properties within the country are priced in dollars. Listing sites, property developers and real estate agents often price real estate assets in dollars. Financial institutions also provide dollar-denominated mortgages. This practice of pricing properties in dollars...

african baskets

Our Fore-Fathers Were Their Own Interior Decorators!

It would amaze you to know that while most of us tout interior designs to be something of the contemporary world of real estate, the idea of decorating rooms had always been in existence. Yes! Our fore-fathers were their own interior designers. In Ghana, our fore-fathers used various elements of nature...

Building a Home in Ghana

It’s a common practice to find Ghanaians living abroad sending money to relatives or trusted persons for the construction of their homes in Ghana. In most instances, they come back to Ghana heartbroken upon their return because, these trusted relatives hardly meet their expectations. This was the story of Ato and...

Sublease Vs. Assignment; the Effects and Obligations on New Owner

Written by Dennis Owusu-Nimoh  Land ownership has become a necessity for the average Ghanaian. For an intended ownership of land, there should be a party(ies) willing to transfer his/her/their interest and another party willing to pay for the bundle of rights (interest) inherent in that property and that transfer could be...